Ordinary Meeting – Thursday 20th March 2025
Notice is hereby given that the Ordinary Meeting of the Community Council will take place commencing at 6.30pm on the above date at the Welfare Hall, Heol Y Felin, Cwmgwrach. The agenda for the meeting is as follows: The dates of the remaining meetings for 2024/25 have been posted on the Council web page & in the Notice Boards.
Members of the public who join via Zoom, and can make representations about any business to be discussed at the meeting by raising their hand during item 3 on the agenda. 15 (fifteen) minutes of the meeting will be allocated. The Clerk will unmute any public attendee during this time if they wish to speak.
This meeting is a multi-location hybrid meeting where individuals may attend in person or virtually in accordance with The Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021.
If joining by Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84353714435?pwd=BOgWmWGRSxwApGZEbbSpAgbkdSuDRu.1
Meeting ID: 843 5371 4435
Passcode: 216441
Linda Evans (Clerk to the Community Council) 13/03/2025
email: blaengwrach.clerk@gmail.com
Tel: 07522 085222
The agenda is as follows:
- Apologies for absence
- To receive declarations of interest
- County Councillor’s Report
- To Receive the Public Observations on Matters Arising Items and Agenda Items to be discussed at the Meeting – Maximum time allowed for this item is limited to 15 (fifteen) minutes.
- To approve the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 20/02/2025
- Matters Arising from the Ordinary Meeting held on 20/02/2025
- Agenda Items: a) To discuss Christmas Panto 2025 b) To review Councillor Allowances 2025/26 and agree a Councillor Allowances Policy c) NPTCBC Area Liaison Meeting – Agenda Item Presentations to the Meeting – Critical Bleed Kits
- Planning Applications
- Crime and Policing
- To receive the Clerks Financial Report on Financial Transactions
- Correspondence
- Set date, time, venue and proposed agenda items for the next meeting
13 Closed Session *(including Personnel Issues)
* The Council will resolve to enter Closed Session under Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972 & the Council Standing Order 3 c to Discuss Personnel Issues on the Agenda.
Dyddiad: Dydd Iau 20fed Mawrth 2025
Rhoddir rhybudd drwy hyn y bydd Cyfarfod Cyffredin y Cyngor Cymuned yn dechrau am 6.30pm ar y dyddiad uchod yn y Welfare Hall, Heol y Felin, Cwmgwrach. Mae dyddiadau’r cyfarfodydd sy’n weddill ar gyfer 2024/25 wedi’u postio ar dudalen we’r Cyngor ac yn y Byrddau Hysbysiadau.
Aelodau o’r cyhoedd sy’n ymuno dros Zoom, ac sy’n gallu cyflwyno sylwadau am unrhyw fusnes i’w drafod yn y cyfarfod drwy godi eu llaw yn ystod eitem 3 ar yr rhaglan. Bydd 15 munud (pymtheg) o’r cyfarfod yn cael ei ddyrannu. Bydd y Clerc yn dadleoli unrhyw fynychwr cyhoeddus yn ystod y cyfnod hwn os yw’n dymuno siarad.
Mae’r cyfarfod hwn yn gyfarfod hybrid aml-leoliad lle gall unigolion fod yn bresennol yn bersonol neu’n rhithwir yn unol â Local
Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021.
Os ydych chi’n ymuno dros Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84353714435?pwd=BOgWmWGRSxwApGZEbbSpAgbkdSuDRu.1
Meeting ID: 843 5371 4435 Passcode: 216441
Linda Evans (Clerk i’r Cyngor) 13/03/2025
e-bost: blaengwrach.clerk@gmail.com
ffôn: 07522 085222
Mae’r agenda fel a ganlyn:
- Ymddiheruriaddau am absenoldeb
- Derbyn datganiadau o ddiddordeb
- Adroddiad Cynghorydd Sir
- Derbyn sylwadau cyhoeddus ar faterion sy’n codi eitemau ac eitemau agenda i’w trafod yn y cyfarfod – Mae’r uchafswm amser a ganiateir ar gyfer yr eitem hon wedi’i gyfyngu i 15 (pymtheg) munud.
- Cymeradwyo cofnodion Cyfarfod y Pwyllgor Cyllid 20/02/2025
- Materion yn Codi o’r Cyfarfod Cyffredin a gynhaliwyd ar 20/02/2025
- Eitemau Agenda: a) I drafod Panto Nadolig 2025 b) Adolygu Lwfansau Cynghorwyr 2025/26 a chytuno ar Bolisi Lwfans Cynghorwyr c) Cyfarfod Cyswllt Ardal NPTCBC – Cyflwyniadau Eitem Agenda i’r Cyfarfod – Pecynnau Gwaedu Beirniadol
- Ceisiadau Cynllunio
- Trosedd a Phlismona
- Derbyn adroddiad y Clerc ar Drafodion Ariannol
- Gohebiaeth
- Dyddiad gosod, amser, lleoliad ac eitemau rhaglen arfaethedig ar gyfer y cyfarfod nesaf
- Sesiwn ar gau *(gan gynnwys materion personél)